
'this watch is my personal desire' • 'in 2021 i really wanted to release a white chronograph but was forced to launch only black' • 'as a small independent we are limited in the number movements we can procure' • 'in the year since the first prototype i've been wearing it myself, figuring out improvements, and then making many new dial samples' • 'as a result, i'm proud to say I have created a dial with a very high degree of perfection and one with absolute balance' • 'looking back it was good that the delay allowed me to release something exceptionally complete' • 'i am very happy to be able to make this deferred desire a reality' ▹ hajime asaoka ◃

計時碼表 II 白色“SHIRO”


輝煌寧靜• 以淺岡肇個人喜好為基礎的精緻計時碼表

計時碼表 II 白色,綽號“shiro”,是對淺岡肇 (hajime asaoka) 標誌性計時碼表 ii 設計的精緻詮釋。光折射和同心扭索飾紋,視差套印和“kyudo”箭頭指針• 我們希望客戶能夠在探索腕錶構造的細節中找到樂趣

“錶盤上的白色等簡單元素不僅僅是顏色 - 白色的光彩是通過對錶盤進行精細噴砂,然後鍍銀來實現的,並用厚漆賦予其亮白色的外觀”

hajime 選擇了來自日本最受尊敬的機芯製造商之一的機械計時機芯NE86 • 由SII 定位為其最新的旗艦計時機芯和6S 的後繼者• 一款優質機芯,由311 個部件組成,結合了傳統計時功能,如導柱輪、垂直離合器和魔術桿上鍊系統• 它具有獨特的三尖錘系統,可同時啟動、停止和重置所有三個輪子• 這允許所有計數器連續前進,而不是僅以一分鐘的間隔前進• 此外,分鐘和小時計數器不是通過計時秒輪驅動,而是由帶有自己的離合器的動力輪驅動• 這提高了準確性和長期耐用性• 機芯具有45小時的動力儲備



